属猪人今年下半年运势咋样,2022 年下半年生肖运势

星座运势 2022-09-21 09:30www.xyhndec.com星座配对



A group of paper cuttgs are photographed depictg pigs, markg the Chese Year of the Pig. [Photo/IC]


Lucky numbers: 2, 5, 8, and numbers contag them (like 25 and 58)


Lucky days: the 17th and 24th of every Chese lunar month


Lucky colors: yellow, gray, brown, gold


Lucky flowers: hydrangea and daisy


Lucky direction: east and southwest


Lucky months: the 2nd, 7th, 10th, and 11th Chese lunar months


Yu Garden kicks off its annual lantern show on Jan 21, 2022 . [Photo by Gao Erqiang/chadaily..]

The Pig’s Personality: Diligent, Compassionate…


Pigs are diligent, passionate, and generous. They have great concentration: once they set a goal, they will devote all their energy to achievg it. Though Pigs rarely seek help from others, they will not refuse to give others a hand. Pigs never suspect trickery, so they are easily fooled.



General speakg, Pigs are relatively calm when facg trouble. No matter how difficult the problems are Pigs encounter, they can handle thgs properly and carefully. They have a great sense of responsibility to fish what they are engaged .


属猪的人2022 年运势

In 2022 , even though Pigs will be their birth sign year, Pigs generally haveooth prospects for the g year. Their overall luck for career, health, and love is normal, while their wealth will crease as they will be well rewarded.

尽管2022 年是属猪的人的本命年,普遍来讲他们运势还不错。他们在职业、健康和爱情方面的整体运势一般,但今年会拿到大笔奖金,财源滚滚来。

birth sign year:本命年

The theme of this year’s lantern show is centered on the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the foundg of the People’s Republic of Cha and the steppg up of reforms and openg-up efforts. [Photo by Gao Erqiang/chadaily..]

Career Prospects


Pig’s will have aall setback their careers 2022 . But everythg will turn out for the good when they beg movg. For entrepreneurs, it’s a good year to develop their busesses.

属猪的人们在2022 年的职业生涯中会遇到小挫折。但当他们继续奋勇前行之后,会柳暗花明。对来说,今年是开拓业务的好时机。

The last months of 2022 are the best time for Pigs to achieve their goals.

2022 年最后几个月是属猪的人实现目标的更佳时间。



Health-wise, Pigs will have an average time 2022 . Pigs are advised to fd a balance between work and rest. What’s more, they should pay attention to traffic safety when on the road.

从健康看,2022 年他们运势平平。人们建议属猪的人在猪年平衡好工作和休息。而且,他们在旅途中要注意交通安全。



Pigs will have very good fancial prospects 2022 . Pigs will do well their vestments and get well rewarded.

属猪的人在2022 年财运非常好,投资收益颇丰,且能得到大笔回报。



2022 is a lucky year for male Pigs their relationships. Male Pigs will meet an attractive woman easily this year.

对属猪的男性来说,2022 年是爱情幸运年。他们今年会更容易遇到一位有魅力女性。

For female Pigs, your relationship’s development will not be as good as for males of your sign. You will need to spend more time on fdg a partner but suffer a temporary lack of progress.


Shanghai’s most historical and renowned tourist site, Yu Garden, kicks off its preparation for the annual lantern show. [Photo by Gao Erqiang / chadaily..]

Famous Pig Year People


Henry Ford (Founder of the Ford Motor Company, born July 30, 1863)


Ronald Reagan (40th US President, born February 6, 1911)


Arnold Schwarzenegger (Former Governor of California, born July 30, 1947)


Hilary Clton (Former First Lady of the US, born October 26, 1947)


英文 :chahighlights



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